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Peaks and Presentation

Building upon the struggles of data accumulation and interpretation, most of us are beginning to see the results of their research. Today, we had our second presentation here in Barcelona, which was the final presentation for our students from Utah. It was great to see how much progress has been made since the previous presentation. Anna presented work on a model for climate impacts on rainwater harvesting. Rochelle presented a specific case study demonstrating the amount of greywater and rainwater needed to meet greenhouse demands. Matthew demonstrated his progress on the Agua Libre app. I showed the chord diagram produced by inputs of virtual water trade for the United States. Brady presented his new methods for performing a life cycle assessment for urban agriculture within the city of Toledo. Michael showed his results from the TES-LCA analysis of top consumed vegetables/fruits in the United States.

The previous weekend, Michael, Brady, Rochelle, and I traveled to Montserrat while Anna and Matthew were in other places throughout Europe. We visited the monastery and the art museum and would later make our way up the mountain to the peak of Sant Jeroni.

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